Advanced Academics

Student taking a test

Advanced Academics includes courses, programs, assessments, services and supports that provide opportunities for students to earn postsecondary credit. Please use the above tabs to navigate and find out more information about AP and Dual Credit options. For more information on how to prepare your student for College and Career Readiness please visit that page.

  • Advanced Placement (AP) - rigorous college-level courses and exams through AP

  • Dual Credit (DC) - a complete college course to earn college credit and high school credit simultaneously

  • Credit by Examination (CBE) - allows students in primary grades to accelerate by a grade level and students in secondary academic courses to earn credit for a course on the basis of credit by examination.

Dual Credit


Complete college course to earn college credit and high school credit simultaneously. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) defines dual credit as a system in which an eligible high school student enrolls in college course(s) and receives credit for the course(s) from both the college and high school. Dual credit courses may be taught on the high school campus by an approved instructor or on the college campus. Dual credit courses include both academic and technical courses.

Credit by Examination

The Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.023, allows students in primary grades to accelerate a grade level and students in secondary academic courses to earn credit for a course on the basis credit by examination. Credit-by-examination assessments (CBEs) must be approved by each local board of trustees.